
Mark Zuckerberg has the attention of 2 billion people我是性瘾者 , so he doesn't really need any help from us when he wants to spread the word about something. But it's worth pointing out that the billionaire Facebook chief is really into the idea of the government giving everyone free money—or at least giving them money back.
马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)早就受到了二十亿人的关注盐都杂谈 ,当然不需要别人帮他宣传任何想法忍者高飞 。但是值得一提的是,这位坐拥十亿家产的脸书领袖却提倡政府要无条件给民众发钱冲出亚马逊简介罗丝·麦高恩 ,或者至少要给民众还钱王思岩 。
In a Facebook post from Homer, Alaska, yesterday篡水浒 , Zuck pointed out that the Last Frontier has its own form of universal basic income修魔成神 , one that allocates oil revenue for a fund that is divided up and returned to residents. It's called the Permanent Fund Dividend乐朗乐读 , and Zuckerberg thinks it's a concept worth paying attention to.
昨天半夜的x仪式 ,扎克伯格在阿拉斯加州荷马发布了一条脸书动态袁利亚 ,说阿拉斯加州就有自己的基础收入888弹簧网 ,主要是将石油利润作为基金分配、返还给民众。扎克伯格大力倡导这样的“永久基金分红(Permanent Fund Dividend)”方式直通车魔镜 。
It's not the first time Zuckerberg has touted the idea of a basic income for all. In his Harvard commencement speech in May道隐仙途 , he said we as a society should be exploring different economic models as a way of making sure that "everyone has a cushion." Because not everyone has that匪侠,陆蓉之 er, FB money.
扎克伯克推崇把基础收入返还给民众的行为已经不是新鲜事了彭映梅 。五月,在哈佛大学毕业演讲时李馨雨 ,他就曾提到过李妍度 ,一个社会应该挖掘不同的经济模型鞠倩伟 ,确保“人人有积蓄”。当然,因为不是每个人都和脸书CEO一样有钱马尧海 。
From: http://www.hxen.com/englisharticle/yingyuyuedu/2017-07-07/472134.html